You Thought Last Weeks Was Brief ?

Published: Fri, 05/26/17

Shortest Newsletter Ever
Trip, drop, roll to save the wrist and roll over hand bending fingers backwards resulting in 3 broken fingers. Off to Dubai tomorrow hence no cast. R & R needed.

Bank Holiday
Open Bank holiday Monday from 9am - 1.00pm
Hope you get some great weather  
Vote For Gaye

Gaye (mad, crazy lady who teaches Thursday morning Zumba) is up for an award for her fabulous Smarty Pilates (Pilates for kids). Please vote for her here

What A Pair!
 Two of our members, Alison and Cathy are doing the Moonwalk on 13th May. Please help bother either one of them raise money from the links here

​​​​​​​Thankyou in advance and fab cause ladies...well done!
See You Next Week
By the time you read this I will be up in an airplane so have a fab week, be kind to Josh (he loves chocolate) and see you soon.

Love Georgia x