Just A Quickie

Published: Fri, 07/07/17

Can't Take My Eyes Off It!

Been watching the tennis this afternoon...thanks to IPlayer. How brilliant is it? I just love Wimbledon. The positivity and the love for all the players. The cheers for the underdog. Just wonderful. Konta played a great match today and it is great to see our women smashing that ball to the baseline. 

My fingers? Still sore, still taped so not typing much but getting better every day thank you 

Eccy Road Roadworks

There are signs ike this on Ecclesall Road South. There are going to be roadworks which will cut the road down to single lane traffic only. Obviously since the signs have gone up and works started LAST Monday there has been no sign of any workmen, but just to warn you you may need to allow extra time to get to your classes. 

Party Night

We have 2 places available for Salmon and Strawberry Night which is this Saturday 8th. The deposits have been paid so the cost is only £12.50 for a fab meal and night out. Please mail me back if you want to take advantage.

Only 2 Weeks To Go
Summer is coming and this is when I need to cut the timetable down as many classes will only have 2 or 3 in due to holidays. I will be drawing up the summer timetable in the next week so when it comes out please try to be adaptable to your class being moved to a slightly different time to accommodate the bringing together of 2 classes.
There will be no more 'Beginners Only' Pilates classes. We, at present have no beginners anyway - you 'Beginners' have been coming months and months!

Have a great weekend if i don't see you and hope to see you next week. Stay being lovely and hope for some more of that summer sunshine 

Love Georgia x