"How Childish" ?

Published: Fri, 08/04/17

Some Would Say
Well, some would call them compression stockings but I like to think of them as finger outfits. So I now have Doris Digit and Marcie Middle to play with. As you can see, Marcie is a cross patch as she is fatter than Doris so on a permanent diet to try to emulate her glamorous friend who is always ready for a cocktail party in her LBD. Never fear Marcie dear. Work hard, do your exercises, work on your mindset and you will go to the ball. In the meantime, remember having a cross face uses way more muscles and gives you grumpy lines making you appear older whilst smilers appear younger mentally and physically. I think I am about 7 right now and it feels great.

New Therapeutic Yoga Class
Do you think you can't do Yoga because you have issues with your spine? Neck?, Joints? Maybe you have a medical condition that makes you scared of trying it? Due to feedback from our lovely members (yes that is you)  Zoe is starting a new Yoga class on Tuesday mornings which is JUST FOR YOU. It is Therapeutic Yoga and aimed at people with specific conditions. It is gentle with somatic movement to increase your flexibility whist helping with pain and the tension that constant pain causes. Place are very limited so please click to save your place for the 1st class on Tuesday 5th September at 10.45am

Two things - ha ha ha just realised I made a joke there!
Firstly I will be putting in an order to Panache for a member on Monday. All you ladies who love the Panache who would like me to maybe order you a snazzy bright one (or a normal colour of course) then please let me know by then. 
Also please don't forget our bra bank for all those grotty grey ones or ones that just don't fit any more. The ones that are hardly worn go to Africa and all the others go to a fabulous charity Breast Cancer Care
if you want me to order you one please click [email protected]
Legs Bums Tums has been taken off the timetable for the summer. A new, revamped class will start on 7th September. If any one in the meantime would like a copy of my Home Workout Bum and Thigh Toner then please email me and I will forward it to you. Obviously I don't want you missing out on your weekly toning session.

.....as my kids all say in a daft voice as they leave the house. Have a great weekend if I don't see you. Stay being lovely and hope to see you soon

Love Georgia x