What Do You Think ?

Published: Fri, 08/11/17

A New Strap Line?
Well I know I am sick of seeing them in the newsletter so  am sure you are but last little chuckle at the state of my fingers. We thought we could have a new strap line for our lovely little gym, donated by the lovely Nicola this morning...pretty good for 8.00am - very sharp.

Underground Fitness - The Only Thing That Stays Fat Is Your Fingers! Not particularly good for brides to be needing to get their wedding ring on but I still like it! 
New For September
September is around the corner now so I need to let you know of a few changes. There will be 4 taster classes for Beginners Pilates in the week beginning Monday 4th. I will put the link to book in next weeks newsletter but if you want it sending direct email here

Also we have Therapeutic Yoga at 10.45 on Tuesday mornings starting on 5th. There are only 2 slots available for that class now so book your by clicking here

Please forward this to anyone you feel might benefit from Pilates or Therapeutic Yoga

Charity Call Number 1
Our lovely Yogi Lizzie is running a yoga charity event in aid of St Wilfreds Centre who support and make a massive difference to homeless people and adults with learning disabilities on Queen Street in Sheffield.
Please book out Sunday 10th September in your diary to come and support her, do some if you want, drink tea, eat cake, slug a beer. There will be loads to do and stuff for kids too. It is being held at Totley Pavilion between 3.00pm and 7.00pm and details are on the walls of the gym. Will be great to see you there. 
Charity Call Number 2
 You know when you pass a homeless person and they ask you for money and you feel a bit awkward as you want to help but may be aware that money might not be the best help you can give? With this ticket a homeless person can get a free 3 course meal, a change of clothes and a hot shower. You can keep one in your purse or wallet and offer it instead of money. They may not want it but it is kinder than being ignored if you don't have the time to buy a hot drink or sandwich. We are selling them here at Underground and all proceeds go to the Charity. 
Please Brighten Up
 That is it from us for this week. Stay being lovely and I look forward to seeing you very soon. Am trying very hard not to feel Autumnal...It is August...

Love Georgia x