It's All Go Here

Published: Fri, 09/01/17

Back To School
Yep we have got to September again and, for most of you the summer is over. Children will be back to school once more and life returns to normal of busy traffic. I am really excited to have new Pilates beginner classes starting and helping more people feel better mentally and physically. 

I am also running the Super Summer Saver again for all you people who have come back from holiday feeling bloated, out of sorts and need a bit of motivation. This gives you 4 weeks of PT - either 2 x half hours or 1 x hour as well as dietary advice and mindset work to get you back in the swing of things. There are only 8 of these places (can't fit anymore in the diary) so get yours now by pressing the button QUICK! £150 gets you your mojo back!​​​​​​​
Baldwins Last Xmas Do!


It will be the last one and there are no more Saturdays left at all! So... are you willing to pay substantially more for our final fling (only 50 places left for the Friday) or are we going to go for the Thursday and feel rubbish for work the next day? 
Vote here... [email protected]
The beginners Pilates taster sessions start THIS WEEK! They are filling up fast so if you or you know anyone who would like to move more and feel less pain then get them to one of our sessions. All you or they have to do is click on this link and choose the class that fits with your lifestyle.
Remember beginners classes are not on the timetable any more. You can only get them with this link
The Monday Men On Mats has now been moved back to its original time (well, almost). The class, as of Monday 4th September will now be at 2.15 - 3.15

Ideally new men need to do a course of beginners 1st as the men we have at present have been coming for well over 2 years and although would love to go back to basics for an easy class, I won't let them :D 

Go Go Go!
Out in time for tea! I am taking my baby girl back to Newcastle on Sunday so am praying for fairly good traffic on the way back and not roads full of last minuters getting the last day before coming home and back to work. have a fab wee. Stay being lovely and see you in the week.

Love Georgia x