Bank Holiday Opening

Published: Sat, 08/26/17

Short and Sweet This Week

Time has got away from me this afternoon and not wanting to drag this intyo the evening I am keeping this week short. This weekend is a bank holiday and so this means THERE ARE NO CLASSES ON MONDAY. We are open fron 9am – 1pm and those who usually do classes are welcome to come and use the gym. If you ave nevet been in the gym befire Josh will be on had to show you how the equipment works and some tips to make your workout short but effective.

Talking Of Josh
  This is the last week that Josh will be with us and is moving onto pastures new I am sure you will all admit that a boy of his age and talents with numbers and computers is wasted  cleaning, answering the phone to sales calls and chatting to middle aged women. We wish him all the luck in the World and look forward to seeing where he goes from here.

 We have changed the timetable so all the Pilates classes are for improvers. Beginners will run term time only and be taught by me for a 5 week week block including the taster and then you will slot into a class that suits you on the timetable. I will add more timetabled classes as needed. Your 1st taster dates are here. Click to book on or pass this email to a friend if you know someone who struggles with stiffness, bac or neck pain. We do Men Only classes too  as we are aware that many men are uncomfortable in a room of women. 
Finger Update
 I have been referred backt o the Consultant for my middle finger which, 3 months on, is still painful, swollen and stiff. I know I have clients waiting for massage but sorry…no massage yet. 

Back To School
Enjoy the bank holiday…the last one of the year.  Let us hope the weather is good enough to get some time in the gardening if only picking early fruit and mowing the lawn.

Look forward to seeing you all in the week. Stay being lovely.

Love Georgia x