What A Week

Published: Fri, 09/22/17

It's Been One Of Those Weeks
Meet Gordon...our little 'Kato' kitty cat. He is only a tiny little thing but is as hard as nails and has a great time jumping off things onto the backs of our other two, rather more docile grown up moggies. Saturday morning we found the poor little fellow prostrate on the kitchen floor looking very miserable. It turns out he has been hit by something and has a badly broken pelvis. After being in intensive care for 3 days I took him to Manchester where he has been operated on. He is hoping to be home by Monday. He is insured for £4000 but the bill will be approx £6K (GULP!!). Please if there are people out there who feel I have helped them I would really appreciate if you would look at my Just Giving page where I am hoping to raise some towards his bill. We have love aplenty in our house but no saved emergency funds so each bit helps. I thank you in advance and will update as and when.

And Then Mum
 So here we are with Mum in an ambulance just trotting off to NGH A&E where my sisters and i stayed until very late until they found out what was the most important problem to deal with so knowing where to send her.
She is now on Brearley feeling and looking a little better but we think will be in for the weekend. So that is the two...the third? Thankfully we have had that one as well and it was no emergency so no one has died yet this week. Not a bad week though as they go eh? 
Gin Night!
We are having a GIN night on Friday November 3rd at 7.00pm. There will be 5 gins to taste with chat and nibbles. There are 25 tickets only and the price is £25 per ticket with £5 going to charity. I know there is big interest in this so if you want a ticket click the link and I will put you on the list. 
Was Going To Write More But.....
I am really flagging! Lack of sleep and emotional stress have got to me. I am shattered and how I am going to get through Zumba I have no idea. Those who read this who are coming to Zumba tonight better be ready for a mad class or one where you prop me up. Not sure which one it will be til I get there.
The bounce will be back next week but until then, stay being lovely, thanks for all your support and I look forward to seeing you next week 

Love Georgia ​​​​​​​x