Excited We Are !

Published: Fri, 09/08/17

Where Are We?
You may recognise the lovely lady on the right as the gorgeous, fellow entrepreneur from over the road Katie. We are in Coventry for 3 days working on our businesses in the lovely surroundings that are The Hilton Hotel. We both love this time as time out to focus on where, when and how we are going to move our businesses forward surrounded by like minded people and no nay-sayers telling us what we can or can't do. I look forward to seeing you all next week refreshed and on it like a bonnet.

We Need You
 Please don't forget the charity bash on Sunday from 3.00pm at Totley pavilion where our lovely Lizzie will be attempting 108 Sun salutations. You can join in...or not...eat cake, drink tea, beer, play. 
Please throw out a thought for good weather. All monies raised are going to St Wilfreds centre who do wonderful work with homeless and vulnerable young people and adults. She is going to raise £500 to pay for a pottery refurbishment needed so all attendances welcome, even for an hour. take the kids and just have some play time. Donations can be made at her just giving page 
Xmas Do Booked!
Baldwins Xmas Bash is booked. This will be the last one EVER! I have booked 26 places and they are going like hot cakes so if you want to come then jump in and book your space. The night is Friday 24th November and the cost is £40. Deposits by Wednesday please of £10.
This really is going to be the night of all nights. It is great to see everyone dressed up and having fun instead of in gym gear glowing (only horses sweat). The envelope is on reception. First come 1st served!
Last Call Pilates Beginners Taster
if you have never done Pilates before and are wondering what all the fuss is about? if you feel stiff, struggle to bend, put on socks, look over your shoulder when driving, would like to play better golf or racket ball then this is for you. Monday night 4.00 is the 2nd of our Pilates taster sessions where you can see how much better you feel after just one session. Click on the button below to book your free place.
​​​​​​​For This Week
All done for another week. I Look forward to seeing you all in the week whether you be on a trial, back from your summer or just getting on with doing your thing. Stay being lovely.

Love Georgia x