All Is Good Here

Published: Fri, 09/15/17

Beauty To Behold

The leaves change and fall
As the Summer leaves and Autumn kisses us all. 

What a lovely way to say goodbye to the summer - thank you Jessica Millsaps.

I love the Autumn colours even though I don't particularly love the change in weather...definitely a warm weather girl me - but living abroad for a year when in my 20s gave me an appreciation of our seasons. Beautiful!​​​​​​​
Watch Out For Suicidal Squirrels
 Please be aware as you drive through the car park that there are squirrels who really are not looking forward to winter. They are quite happy to sit there with beeps of the horn and revs of the engine.

"Just rats with bushy tails" I hear you say? 
Yeah but they make an awful mess of your wheel and then we get the flies :D

Baldwins Is Booked
I only had to put a picture on for the advertisement of it. Now it is booked I am quite happy to save Christmas until December but if anyone else wants to come then I am sorry. I can try and get you a place but no promises.  
Winter Vitamin Top Ups
The coughs and colds come thick and fast and we start to miss the sunshine for our vitamin D (needed for calcium absorption).
Natures Sunshine is a supplement company I trust to provide the best supplements without added chalk and other fillers. 
If you want to see what offers are on or just top up what you usually get please click the link below.
products will be sent direct to your home.
R & R 
Well I have certainly got a lovely weekend ahead. Body massage and nails at Randle and Randle, my nephew and sisters birthdays and then Sunday having some family time. I feel like I haven't seen them for weeks! 

Have a lovely weekend and I  hope to see you in the week. Stay being lovely!

​​​​​​​Love Georgia x