Don't Get Blown Away

Published: Fri, 10/13/17

Good Start!
Last week I said I would be going up to Newcastle to see my girl for her birthday, so here we are...having water with it I might add, but it was a good job. I would not like to go out with students every day of the week but you will be pleased to know I didn't let the side down and managed to hold my own, dancing the night away until well into the morning hours. Still got it!

Gordon News
 Dear, bald Gordon has had his stitches out this week and is looking much perkier, holding his own weight on his back legs without going into Bambi mode. Thank you to all of you who ask after him. The poor vet lost her little cat the very same week from a very similar accident. He really is a little miracle cat. His Just Giving page is closing in a week so, for those who have asked for it, here is the link again. 
Art Exhibition
My lovely friend Louise (she introduced Lizzie the lovely yoga teacher to us) is having an Exhibition of Botanical Art 18th - 19th  November at JG Graves Woodland Discovery Centre on Abbey Lane between 10am - 4pm. This is 'Wilting Tulip'. She would love to see you if you have a spare hour. her website is here
Tie It Down

It is going to be a very windy, if very warm weekend Hurrah! So if you want to keep it in the garden I suggest you tie it down. Don't want any injuries from flying trampolines (or children ha ha!). Have an amazing weekend, stay being lovely and see you in the week.

​​​​​​​Love Georgia x