Amazing Recovery !

Published: Fri, 09/29/17

Gordon Comes Home!
​​​​​​​So this is the ironmongery Gordon has had deftly inserted into his pelvis to hold him together and he came home on Tuesday needing 6 weeks in a cage and another 6 before he can go outside. He is desperate to go out and makes a hobble for the door whenever he is released.
Thanks to all who put into his fund to get him to this point. He still needs follow up appointments but as you can see below, he is a determined little fellow and at day 3 is already practising his ice skating. 

Welcome Newcomers
 As we come to the end of September I would like to say a very warm welcome to all the new people who have joined us this month. 
  ​​​​​​​Whether it is the 'How to stay young' show on the television or just the end of the summer 'so less time being active in the garden and going out, i don't know, but welcome to you all and I hope you will be happy here and let me or Steve know if you aren't. 
Local Honey
Since last year I have been asked for more honey. One of our members has his own hives and is selling the honey here with £1 of each jar sold going to St Lukes.
Once in the cupboard it goes quickly so i suggest you get yours now. The price is £6.50 per jar and I am always short of change so if you could bring the correct money that would be great 
Beginner Pilates...Next Course
The next course of beginners Pilates classes are starting in November after half term. The  beginners taster sessions book up very quickly so if you, your partner or anyone you know suffers from feeling stiff and sore, complains of having a bad back, can't turn their head when driving then a trial beginners session is just what they need. Click below to choose your session time and date.

Busy Weekend ...Again
 I am off on a coaching course day on Sunday so if I don't see you on Saturday morning then I look forward to seeing you next week. Have a fabulous weekend and stay being lovely.

​​​​​​​Love Georgia x