
Published: Fri, 10/06/17

Serious? Us?
Here she is! Mummy Pig!
Yes this is the outfit worn by Gaye to Zumba on Thursday morning. An outfit stolen very quickly by me as I am flipping freezing in this lovely place now the October weather is definitely upon us.
You will be seeing me wearing a variety of warm outfits but the 3rd layer is now on and the very attractive thermal leggings have been ordered. A brown pair of normal leggings are now my second skin and can't wait ti receive my Himalaya fit ones :D

Breast Cancer Awareness Month
October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. Men ALSO get breast cancer...this is not just a female disease. To kick off the month we are helping the lovely men in our lives. Symptoms are  
  1. Oozing from the nipple​​ (a discharge that may be blood stained
  2. Swelling of the breast, or a lump, often painless, more commonly beneath the nipple but can be anywhere on the breast area
  3. A sore (ulcer) in the middle of the breast
  4. A tender or drawn in/ inverted nipple
A weekly check when you have a bath or shower, just the same as women, to see if there are any differences. The most important thing is DO NOT LEAVE IT to see if it will go away. The quicker the diagnosis the better the end results. Love you lovely male  gym and class members :D
Baldwins Bash

Baldwins is booked! Please may I have the rest of your money by next Friday 13th (whooooooooo!). It will be £30 each. 
You can either pay by cash or you can put it through my card reader as I will be paying them by card and realise that not everyone carries £30 around with them - We are like the Queen darlings...don't carry cash! 

Mother And Daughters Zumba
    Remember when Tuesday night Zumba was Mother and Daughters night? Well we are bringing it back. Too many of our young people are sitting around attached to their screen. What better way to spend a bit of time with your daughter than helping then them get fitter, having a laugh and giving them some busting moves to show to their mates.  If you would like to bring your daughter...or your mum! then please click below and I will get you booked in
Talking of Daughters
    I am off to see mine in Newcastle tomorrow after work so a busy weekend ahead. have a great one yourself, stay being lovely and see you in the week.

​​​​​​​Love Georgia x