Very Quick This Week

Published: Tue, 11/21/17

Not What We Expected
Here we all are at The Prince Of Wales last Sunday with Canadian family. I love a family lunch out but this was very disappointing. We waited over an hour for our food and when it came it was clot cold...apart from the meat which was hot. Not what we have come to expect from this pub. The waiting staff were magnificent but the kitchen really need to sort themselves out. Good job none of us were starving and short of something to chat about. They will get one more chance but we were not happy at all. Beware - lets hope they were having an off day! 
Magnesium Magic
Magnesium is what makes our bodies flexible. It is involved in our body’s energy production and enables our millions of cells to function effectively, allowing them to detox and repair. Magnesium deficiency can manifest itself in a number of different symptoms that are not exclusively linked to low levels of magnesium.If you suffer from crampy legs, tired, heavy legs, restless leg syndrome, low energy levels you could be magnesium deficient. I have managed to get some Kilo bags of super stuff that has given me new legs. I have none of the Friday, heavy, tired legs feeling any more and it is all due to bathing in this magic stuff. At £8.50 a bag it isn't cheap but well worth it. 
Dog Coats By Gabrielle
My client Gabrielle knits dog coats with all proceeds going to Work Ltd where she works.
They make a great Xmas presents for the little hound in your life and come in different sizes, small, medium and large or she can knit to order if your pooch is an unusual size. £5, £8 or £10 will get you a snuggly, hand knitted coat for your doggy and you put to a great charity :D   
There are still a few of you who haven't paid for your ticket so can I ask you do this BEFORE Friday? 
Tickets are behind reception so collect yours when you are in. 
I can't believe this will be our last Baldwins bash. Mmmmmm - I wonder where we will be this time next year? Will we find somewhere better? Exciting thoughts but it will have to be pretty amazing to be able to do what Baldwins dose well. If anyone is wishing they were coming now I have a MAGIC ticket! Unfortunately someone has had to cancel so if you want it then please email me here. 1st come 1st served! [email protected]

Odd Time 
I know it is an odd time for me to be sending out this newsletter but I am well aware you didn't get one last week and, once again, time got the better of me this week. I am happy to be so busy again and change is as good as a rest. Happy Tuesday everyone and see you soon 

​​​​​​​Love Georgia x