It's This Weekend !

Published: Fri, 10/27/17

Boogie On Down!

Today I have tomato eyes and sore feet but it has been worth the suffering for the most amazing night of dancing and singing. Here is my sister and I getting ready to boogie on down, freak out and try to be the greatest dancer last night in Liverpool.  Oh What A Wow! I am still going to be strutting my stuff like Nile Rodgers when I am 65. Get those disco trousers on and get down on it! Whoohoo!


This Weekend
 It is that time of year again when we get an extra hour sleep, we arrive an hour early for appointments because we forgot to put the clocks back and we can snuggle down earlier at night and get cosy. This year also sees the change of our opening times to 8.00am. This won’t affect many of you in the matter of the opening hours but will affect all of you in that Steve will be less grumpy which has a ripple effect. Oh happy days!

The final change is that Friday Zumba will now start at 5.00pm for all you party animals who find finishing at 7.00 doesn't give you enough time to get ready before you go out.

Starter Pilates For Beginners
 The new Beginner Pilates blocks start again this month. Pilates is the number one class advised by physiotherapists for general stiffness , weakness or pain in the back or neck. It is a must for anyone in this day and age where we spend most of our time slumped over a book, , desk, computer, driving or watching telly. To book your free trial class click on there link below.


 I am asked for updates of Gordon all the time so here you are. He is using his scratching post and stretching out his back properly like cats do and seems to have got over his Bambi legs, although still walks with a turn out I fear may not go down too well with the local cat cartel.  Lets hope they right themselves or we may have to rename him Gay (Gay Gordon…get it? – Well it is Strictly season :D) Thankfully he is getting his coat back before the cooler weather sets in.


Settle Up Time
Can I ask those who still owe the rest of Baldwins Bash to settle up please? I need £30 for each of you  - Thanks to all who have paid up.

Have an amazing weekend whatever you are doing. We have a family birthday, a leaving do and hopefully a rest day Sunday.

Thank you for being lovely members of Underground and appreciating what we are trying to do.  My work days are happy days because of you.

Stay being lovely.

​​​​​​​Love Georgia x