Published: Fri, 01/05/18


First of all can I wish you a very Happy New year and say that I hope 2018 brings you happiness, contentment, love and a positive outlook on life. Once these things happen the rest usually follows as you lose the need to overindulge in all things that prevent goals being reached and you not feeling you are doing the best you can.

We are really excited for 2018 to see the changes and growth as the plans to expand the studio come to fruition and we can really help more people with their pain, fitness goals, health and wellness. Bring it on!

Straight In
I am asking for your help again as I know that all the loveliest people who have come into my life at Underground have all come from a referral from yourselves.

Do you now someone who feels older than their years? Who suffers from pain when bending? Turning to look behind them? Someone who groans every time they stand up? Someone who used to be strong but now struggles to hold a full kettle? Someone like us? 
These are the people I am trying to reach - not the gym bunnies and the marathon runners but the people who are growing older, know they need to do more exercise but has an idea of what a gym is and don't want to go/ scared to go. Who just wants to do the best they can with what they have got and support the inevitable ageing process. 

If you could forward them this mail and get them to watch the video that would be great!
New Beginner Pilates Start Dates
New dates for Beginner Pilates start next week. There is only one daytime and one evening so again, like above, if you know anyone who would benefit from Pilates, who suffers from aching, stiff back and neck or struggles to turn or bend then please pass this to them.

The link to book onto the FREE Pilates taster is below
Will keep it short.
  • Monday 5.00 Pilates is now Therapeutic Pilates. This class is a much lower level for specific problem members who require specific modifications due to injury or conditions
  • Lovely Lizzie is now teaching a 2nd Friday morning class at 10.45 due to popular demand ie a wait list every week! 
  • Friday Zumba has moved back to 6.00. I will run it until half term and hope all you Friday night drinkers choose to exercise instead
  • PLEASE UNBOOK IF YOU CANT COME. Many of our classes now have a wait list and it is unfair to hold a place and not turn up
  • Likewise, Please BOOK ON. This is why we have a booking system. If a class is cancelled for any reason I can let you know. I can't attempt to be efficient if I don't know who is attending. 
Rant over ha ha ...I still love you :D
Out With The Old (Sorry Debs xxxxx)
The gorgeous Debbie has done her last shift here at Underground Boooooo Hoooooo. Her bright, sunny nature, massive smile and abundant love will be missed as she goes on to bigger, more artistic things. I am hoping she will be able to do holiday cover still so I am sure it won't be the last we see of her and she has promised to come in to do the weekly positivity picture. She has been shoved out by the equally gorgeous Maddie who you have met already. Exciting times ahead for this young, energetic, brilliant lady who already is organising me and the cupboards. We need it. Welcome Maddie!
That Is It
All I can say is thank you again for your loveliness and I look forward to a great year being the best we can be with what we have. 

​​​​​​​Love Georgia x