Just A Quickie

Published: Fri, 01/19/18

Our Christmas Present
So, apart form being a bit mad, rushed off our feet last with the new beginners trying out our lovely little gym, Steve and I went out. Yes we went out! In January! Mid week! At night! We had a great night crying with laughter at John Bishop's tales of getting old and what comes with it. 
​​​​​​​Thank you to the children for an excellent Christmas present. 
Slightly different this week with the weather. I have almost been twiddling my thumbs :D​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Remember to keep your vitamin levels up with fruit and vegetables. Now is the perfect time to be making vegetable soups that warm and comfort you. 

At this time of year we find it quite easy to reset after all the eating and drinking over the festive time but will-power can very quickly be overtaken by a pie and chips on a cold day. 

Supplementing your diet can help keep you tip top when immune systems are running low. I have a couple in house but if you click on this link you can choose from the excellent natural quality from Natures Sunshine. 
I recommend Vitamin C, Zinc and Vit D3

Therapeutic Pilates
Remember we have a new Pilates class on Monday nights at 5.00pm.

Therapeutic Pilates is specifically for people with special conditions who need a more prescriptive class. This is perfect for someone with kyphosis, osteoporosis or any condition where you get pain in your neck, back and/ or other joints and you need a class tailored to you. 
 Please remember to bring a spare pair of trainers for your studio workout and not wear the shoes you have worn to walk your dog or yourself either in the garden or the woods. 

​​​​​​​Trainers have ridges in then soles which collect mud which dries. You then come into the studio wearing what you think are clean shoes and leave a trail of dried mud all over the studio floor which the next class, if it is yoga or pilates have to lie down on. Not nice. Treat yourself to a pair of shoes you keep just for the gym and everyone is happy. 
 Right...we are now 3 weeks into the New Year and I have noted that there are several...in fact MORE than several of you who haven't come back yet. What are you waiting for? Your Xmas belly to subside on its own? 

​​​​​​​I promise you that that isn't going to happen but it might just get a bit bigger! 

If I don't see or hear from you this week I am going to name and shame. Come on! The hardest thing is to walk through the door. Me and my 'getting smaller' Xmas belly is here to greet you with love. 
Closer To Spring
Another week closer to Spring and while I don't like to wish my life away it can't come soon enough. I am not a winter person and just want to hibernate. 
Off with Gaye to Manchester on Sunday for a Children's Mental Health Day. I dare say she will have me acting the goat. Fun fun!
Have a great week, stay warm, safe and lovely.

Love Georgia x