Free Gifts from Second Nature Healing

Published: Mon, 09/14/15

Hi ,

Second Nature Healing is undergoing big changes. I am proud to share a glimpse of what's new. Whether you are a new friend, or one who has stayed connected to me over the years, I am delighted to offer these gifts. Be certain that more advancements and offers are on the way.

My book, Heal Together, is just the beginning. My intention is to close the gap between us and bring us closer together - in what we learn and how we experience the natural energies around us.

To get you started, see attachment links below.
FREE DOWNLOAD from Heal Together, Natural Health Solutions for Animals and Their Humans. You'll receive Chapter One - Loving Ginger.

If you have not already received these extra bonuses, or missed them when I posted them before, please enjoy them now. The links are at the bottom of this page.
Extra Bonuses -

9 Ways to Support Your Energy

101 Ways to Use Essential Oils.

Remember that you are part of nature, and your well being brings new energy to yourself and those around you.

I look forward to hearing from you. Please give me a call or just reply to this email.

Rosemary Levesque
Reiki Master, Holistic Wellness Consultant
Animal Communicator

Many Blessings,