Integrative Healing & New Classes

Published: Tue, 10/13/15

Integrative Healing               Oct/Nov 2015
Growth and Abundance
     I love this time of year. It's always been my favorite. I find Fall to be the perfect weather, the perfect color, and the perfect reminder that it's time to harvest the abundant gifts of the earth. Even though I planted my garden with enthusiasm after years of dormancy, I didn't account for the additional shade provided by really large, beautiful rhododendrons. Ah, there's always next year!

     Fortunately, in spite of how my garden turned out, I celebrate the publication of my new book, Heal Together - Natural Health Solutions for Animals and Their Humans. If you haven't yet read my book, please enjoy Chapter One - Loving Ginger, for free. if you missed the link for the free download, just reply to this email and I'll send it to you.

     Though the trees around me prepare for dormancy, I'm making plans for an abundant Fall filled with creative pursuits. . . the kind that cultivate and enrich our lives. How about you?

     I hope you'll join me for Fall classes and healing sessions. The schedule is below. You're going to love my new Integrative Enrichment Program. If you haven't experienced it yet, don't worry. I have plenty of opportunities coming your way.

     Oh, and I'm just biting my nails, holding back a little on more news I'm excited to share with you! (If you can't wait, call me and I'll spill the beans. Otherwise, you'll just have to wait for the next newsletter!)

Give me call. I'd love to hear from you.


Your pets want you to know that natural healing works for them, too! Enjoy our companion website, Natural Pet Health Alternatives.

Heal Together is now published and available on Amazon. Questions? Please reply to this newsletter and I'll get back to you asap.
Integrative Healing
     Staying healthy doesn't have to be hard work. However, if you had asked me how to be healthy 20 years ago, my answer would have been very different from today's answer. Back then, I relied heavily on medical advice - yearly mammograms, prescription medication for pain, biopsies for everything remotely suspicious, antibiotics at least once a year, and a medicine cabinet filled with cough syrup, pain pills, antacids, creams, and ointments. We used them all!

Fear-based Practices Don't Work For Good Health
     I had the attitude of fear-based, defensive approach to health. Thinking back, it was almost as if I was looking for something to go wrong. I was preparing for the worst, searching for the bumps, and ready to quell symptoms of the latest infections with medical potions. I felt equipped to handle the small stuff, and anxious to beat anything that showed its ugly head.

     At the first sign of a cold, I brought my daughter to the doctor, knowing that if she didn't quickly receive antibiotics, she'd have an ear infection . . . then the infection would spread to her chest where we'd be dealing with pneumonia. She'd miss weeks of school due to respiratory illness. Nothing in my medicine closet helped. By the time my daughter was in high school, she had developed an allergic reaction to antibiotics.

     My approach to good health wasn't working. I was on the same path as everyone else I knew - the one where if you stay healthy, you're lucky, and if you get sick, the doctor will fix it for you. Then things changed.
Check out our classes. Please register early. Classes & workshops are popular and fill quickly.
Reiki 1 Integrative Enrichment Class - October 24, all day class, 9:30 - 5
Reiki Circle - Friday, October 23, 7 p.m. (free for my students)

Reiki 2 Integrative Enrichment Class - November 1, all day class, 9:30 - 5
Reiki 1 Integrative Enrichment Class - November 14, all day class, 9:30 - 5

Reiki Master, Integrative Spiritual Mastery Class - this is a multi-part class tentatively scheduled for November 8 & 9, and Nov 15. Contact me directly asap if you want to become Reiki Master in 2015.
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