We're Opening Our Doors

Published: Fri, 11/06/15

We're Opening Our Doors            November 2015

Whether or not you're here in Portland, we now have two more ways our doors are open to you.
Both programs are affordable, easy to integrate, and very supportive!

     This month I am pleased to announce that we're expanding our Reiki program for students AND opening our doors to guests - non-students, to expand our reach to the community. I am honored to be a part of such a wonderful community of students, friends, and Portlanders who, well, get the idea that we can heal ourselves. We have the tools, the intentions, and the ability in which to do so.

    As a part of our outreach, I have developed a series of Reiki Workshops that incorporate aspects of the Reiki Circle experience along with experience and knowledge from years of teaching (and healing sessions). What it looks like, and feels like, is an advanced "Reiki Circle". What you'll gain is a healing experience, intuitive coaching, hands-on exercises, and an opportunity to GROW.

     Don't be surprised if you get excited about your path in life as new ideas and information are revealed. Make room for new ideas about your health and well being when you release thoughts and actions that no longer serve you. Receive Reiki into your life with intention and purpose. Reveal a better and better version of yourself with each successive workshop.

     We're starting with a "soft" opening this month, and we'll include a December experience around the holidays.

Please join us Friday Nov 20 at 7 p.m.  R.S.V.P.

Until January 2016, Reiki Apprentice Workshops are FREE for our students, Guests - Just $10

Our official Reiki Workshops in the Reiki Apprentice Program start in January.
Learn more about our Reiki Apprentice Program.

     There's no need to set aside a full day of classes, instruction, and travel time or money to learn Reiki. Now you can integrate Reiki into your life with ease and grace, and a REMOTE REIKI ATTUNMENT.
Reiki Integrative Enrichment Classes:
Popular and Growing!

Reiki is an intelligent energy . . . and it is evolving. We have the opportunity to evolve with it. Inspired and guided by Spirit, I bring to you now an Integrative Enrichment Program of Reiki classes and healing workshops designed to help you learn and integrate healing.

I've streamlined the educational aspect of traditional Reiki classes and integrated more of the healing tools proven to be most effective for developing your sensitivity to healing energies as well as your intuitive abilities. We fondly refer to our work as Reiki Plus. Formally, though, we call it Integrative Spiritual Enrichment.

Learn more about our favorite Reiki classes. Call me. Register NOW

Reiki 2 Integrative Enrichment Class
Saturday, Nov 14, 9:30 to 5
This class is filling up. Please call me asap to reserve your spot.

Reiki 1 Integrative Enrichment Class
Saturday, Nov 21, 9:30 to 5

Reiki Master Integrative Enrichment Class - new date
Dec 6, 7 and 13

Reiki Master class is also filling up. Call asap if you are considering becoming Reiki Master. I'm happy to help you reach your goals.
Your Miraculous Healing Machine
     The body is a miraculous healing machine. It's very forgiving, and responds well to good, healthy habits even after all the unhealthy things we sometimes do. You might guess what trouble stirs inside - the results of stress, poor nutrition, and toxins. Fortunately, you can start right away to strengthen, support, and revitalize - even if your health is "okay".

     At the heart of healing lies your intention for better health. Then, make a plan to move forward with healthy, supportive action. I've made your journey to healing and recovery easier to implement with non-medical, all natural strategies:
  • Heal - Get started with a session (or several sessions) of energy work, self-discovery, and soul realignment.
  • Essential Oils - The magical properties of plants offer gentle ways to help you increase your energy, and your body's ability to heal itself.
  • Zeolite - Nature's detoxification crystal is now ready for human use - and has been available since 2005. Find out the differences in zeolites and why there's really only one zeolite I recommend for your best results.
  • Telomere Support - What if you had access to the Fountain of Youth? DNA repair and healing happens at the tips of chromosomes, called telomeres. We're learning that aging and disease may be the result of telomere shortening - the result of, you guessed it - stress, toxins, and poor nutrition. Find out how to activate your body's healing mechanisms at the DNA level.
Call me now for a FREE CONSULTATION. Your consultation includes an intuitive assessment. Together we'll map a plan for your wellness.
You've been waiting patiently and now it's here!
Heal Together, Natural Health Solutions for Animals and Their Humans.

Your pets want you to know that natural healing works for them, too!

What's in the book? It's filled with years of experience, knowledge, and inspiring stories. Let me know if you have any questions.
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