NEW and Wonderful Reiki Classes and Programs

Published: Mon, 11/30/15

NEW Reiki Classes and Programs
at Second Nature Healing                  Dec 2015
Welcome to all that's new and wonderful!

     It's getting close to winter, usually a time of rest - at least it may seem that way! Here at Second Nature Healing I always have something new for you to experience. This December is especially great because of the excitement growing around the 3 new Apprentice Programs.

NEW - Timeless Appreciation

     Next year, I'm having a modest increase in the price of healing sessions. But you can lock in a price from 2 years ago, and still receive all the extras with your Reiki session.

     Just schedule your next Reiki session to take place before the end of January 2016, and your price (just $125/hour) will be locked in for the entire year, for each session you schedule in 2016.

Share this email with a friend so they can receive Timeless Appreciation, too.

Continue reading for more new announcements and offerings!
Thank you, and many blessings,
December and January Reiki Classes
and Apprentice Program
Integrative Reiki I class - December 13, 2015
Integrative Reiki Master class - December 6, 7, & 20, 2015
Integrative Reiki II class - January 2
Integrative Reiki I class - January 10
New Apprentice Workshops
Reiki Apprentice and Essential Oil Apprentice
Every third Wednesday evening at 7 p.m.
Also on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon, monthly.

Reply to reserve your spot, and pay to register. Students receive a package discount!
Special BONUS
Free for students, guests only $10 in December.

Raindrop® Reiki
In a series of 9 or more essential oils applied to your feet - with Reiki - you can have a whole body benefit.

Up until now, I've offered essential oils as aromatherapy in conjunction with your Reiki session. Now you can choose to experience Raindrop® Reiki.

- Just for your feet
- Add spine, shoulders, and neck for a full Raindrop® Reik session.

Raindrop® Reiki is also part of my Essential Oil Apprentice Program. Reply to this message to tell me that you're interested in learning Raindrop® technique.

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