Healing SOUNDS Good

Published: Wed, 03/02/16

Healing SOUNDS Good                           March 2016
What do specific sound frequencies, essential oils, and Reiki have in common?
They are all healing modalities that vibrate to make physical, emotional, and spiritual changes in the body - in a very good way!

Sound healing and Vibrational "medicine" may provide some of the answers when you're looking for ways to bring health and wholeness back into your life. You're invited to explore new sounds - once forgotten (even hidden) from our musical experiences. What are these sounds? Find out with our new Vibrational Energy Techniques at our Healing Center.

Discover the Principles of Sound Healing in my blog.

Even better, we now offer sound healing as a part of all healing sessions, Reiki training, and workshops.

I hope you'll join us! All students and clients get a free Vibrational Tune-up for sound healing in March. See details below.

Many Blessings,
March Specials
Add a Vibrational Tune-up to any Integrative Reiki healing session for FREE.

FREE Vibrational Tune-up when you participate in any class or workshop in March.

Vibrational Energy Technique (one hour) only $45 for the first 10 clients who email or call me for an appointment.

Never miss another event
Join us for Shamanic Reiki Classes, our Apprentice Programs, and Aromatherapy Workshops

Hurry - There's not much time left to register. Register NOW.

March 5 - Reiki 1 Integrative Enrichment Class

March 12 - Shamanic Reiki Apprentice and Reiki Apprentice (practice circle)

March 19 - Reiki 2 Integrative Enrichment Class

Look for our NEW Sound Healing Classes - Coming SOON

Everyday Oils For Anytime
Knee Update - Natural Healing Works
Gracie continues to improve and heal - without surgery. We've added several methods to continue her healing process.
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