What's In Your Hands?

Published: Tue, 03/15/16

What's In Your Hands?
Do you see what she's doing
in this picture?

It's a natural response to put your hands on the place that hurts. She's doing something very RIGHT! However, she might be thinking (and saying) what's WRONG in her life. Have you ever found yourself in a similar situation?

Stress can show up in our lives causing mental fatigue and depression, body aches, disease, anxiety, and sleeplessness. Stress can lead us to make poor choices in everything from diet to relationships. Yet, the "fix" may be as close as your hands.

Science proves what many of us know to be true. Energy vibrates through everything in the Universe - right down to DNA in your cells and the spaces between the molecules that make up your cells. Do you see any colors, hear any sounds, or feel any difference in hot and cold objects? Those are vibrations too.

Vibrate - that's what energy does. Since everything has energy (or rather IS energy) then we can tap into it and use it for healing.

You can develop your sensitivity to positive vibes and promote healing with simple energy techniques. Start by thinking of what you WANT (good things) and expressing gratitude for already having received them. Then join us for one of our Integrative Reiki classes. We'll teach you so many ways to use energy as a tool for healing - right from your own hands.

What's In Your Hands?

See our new class list below, then register as soon as you can.
Our classes fill quickly!

Questions? You can always call or email us. Just respond to this email.
Integrative Reiki  Classes
Integrative Reiki I class - March 20
9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Integrative  Reiki I Class
April 2
9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Shamanic Reiki Apprentice Program
April 9
Series I - Personal Energy, #1    10-noon
Series I - Personal Energy, #2    
1:00 - 3:00 p.m
FOLLOWED BY REIKI APPRENTICE  (formerly Reiki circle) 3:15 - 5:00 p.m.
Integrative Reiki I Class
April 23
9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

March Special!!!

It's so popular that I'm extending my March Healing special offer through the end of the month.
Book an Integrative Healing Session which includes everything I have to offer
- 60 to 90 minutes of healing bliss -
for only $60
(that's a $100 savings!)

Schedule a Session NOW - try our new online scheduling system

Calendar - Never miss another event
Join us for Shamanic Reiki Classes, our Apprentice Programs, and Aromatherapy Workshops