How do you heal from the Deep Zone of Pain?

Published: Fri, 04/01/16

Healing From the Deep Zone of Pain    April 2016
The issue of pain has become one of the most studied, and most expensive, health challenges today. Though people may find temporary relief with over-the-counter medications, the roots of pain - and what causes pain - go much deeper than we suspect. It's in this "deep zone" of pain that I believe we can finally find relief and freedom from pain.

What's in the "deep zone"? Past trauma, stress, guilt, blame, resentment, inability to forgive and let go, inability to make decisions, lack of confidence, or inability to express yourself truthfully, cause pain that runs deeply with emotions. Even physical trauma can stay a long time within the cells, after the body apparently heals, only to reveal itself once again as pain later in life.

Discover How to Heal the Deep Zone of Pain in my blog.

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Many Blessings,
April Special - Limited Offer

Be One of the First 3 to Schedule a Session

Have you ever experienced Solfeggio Body Tuners? These amazing tuning forks are quiet and powerful healers. I've added their beautiful energy to enhance your healing experience. You'll actually FEEL the vibration move through you, releasing tension, stress, and emotions to bring about deep relief.

*FREE Chakra Crystal Heart Set with Your Integrative Reiki Session ($30-$35 value)
includes Reiki, essential oils, crystals, and Solfeggio tuners.
Your session is recorded, so you can receive healing benefits again and again.
(sets vary - they're all intuitively chosen to work together. Choose your set before we start your session, feel the energy align with you during your session, then take them home with you!)
* Be one of the first 3 people to schedule your Integrative Reiki Session

What People Are Saying
"Before my appointment with Rosemary I was experiencing an overwhelming feeling of stress, anxiety, and difficulty breathing. During the (Integrative Reiki) session I was confident and trusting. By the end of the session I experienced feeling balanced, cleansed, and refreshed. It was a very positive experience with conclusion of No Negativity. I feel blessed. I'm a new person." Mary C., Beaverton, OR

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Rosemary and her daughter, Michelle, combine years of experience and wisdom to share with you a unique Integrative Shamanic Reiki Program.

Hurry - There's not much time left to register. Register NOW.

April 2 - Reiki 1 Integrative Enrichment Class

followed by Reiki Apprentice (practice circle)

Reiki 2 Integrative Enrichment Class (coming in May)

Look for our NEW Sound Healing Classes - Coming SOON

What Can Natural Healing Do For You?
Meet Chuck.
"I'm excited to report that Chuck no longer has to take antihistamines daily, nor does he have to take famotidine to treat his upset stomach any longer.  He hasn't had an ear infection since following your recommendations, he is no longer scratching, his coat is soft, shiny and no longer leaves a residue on your hands and I can't believe I'm saying this, but in two months, his seasonal flank alopecia seems to be resolving itself and his fur is growing back!" Janine S., IL
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