Detox? Heal? Let go? Where do you start?

Published: Thu, 07/07/16

Detox - Heal - Let Go
     Are you always the one to get sick at the first sign of cold season? Do allergies plague your summer days? Is there something slowing you down, taking your energy? If so, you may want to assess your emotional immune system, and find out what illness, allergies, and lack of energy have in common.
     You may discover that the symptoms you're experiencing have much to do with toxins (heavy metals, especially) and toxic emotions. These effect your emotional immune system. There's a lot you can do to begin the process of detox, healing, and letting go.
Where do you start when it comes to letting go? Read my article, Your Emotional Immune System.
Also, have a look at the 2 products I feature in this newsletter (see below) to find out how you can Detox and Heal.

Do you have questions? Call me! I can't wait to hear from you.

The Best Detox
Lead in school drinking water, pesticides everywhere, lead and cadmium in the air . . . You read it in the news and you wonder how these toxins effect you and your family. Toxins effect every system in the body, interfering with nerve and muscle function, hormones, brain activity, oxygen absorption, and nutrient absorption . . . to name a few. It's in your best interest to take steps now to detoxify - actively, consistently, and continuously.

This one product may be your best friend for a safe and effective detox that you can do yourself. A few drops, taken orally a few times per day may be all you need to help maintain good health.
Here's something to help you Heal
SARA™ is an empowering blend of therapeutic-grade essential oils designed to help soothe deep emotional wounds. It may help individuals release and begin recovery from the traumatic memory of sexual or ritual torment and other forms of physical or emotional abuse.

I love how the vibration of essential oils can help us feel more connected, balanced, joyful, and vibrant. SARAis a blend I select for my clients who are holding onto emotional trauma. I see how they relax immediately and allow the process of healing to begin.

Try using SARA during meditation, before sleep, or after a stressful day. One drop applied to the back of the neck, the bottom of the feet, or just inhaled deeply before you start your day helps set your intentions.

Let me know how you like SARA essential oil blend.
New - Multi-session Packages for Transformation and Healing
      You've recently become aware that there's something more to life and the path you've been following. You'd like clarity and guidance that will help reveal your true potential. Perhaps you've experienced trauma and stress that seems to be holding on, and you're ready now to release it.

      Working with me provides you with the Intuitive Wisdom from your spiritual guides. You'll love the one-on-one mentoring that comes with experience, compassion, and a true connection to Source.

Transformation is a process - a journey that can be experienced with guidance all along the way.
Call me for a free consultation to see if a series of Integrative Healing sessions, private mentoring, and follow-up is part of your path.

Excited about our curriculum? - We are, too!
We've made a few adjustments based on changing schedules. Join us for the next class. Explore the mysteries of Shamanic Reiki. Enhance your life!
There's still time to register!
Reiki I Integrative Enrichment class this Saturday, July 9
Did you know that we offer more than traditional Reiki classes? Our students are excited to know that we integrate workshops into our Reiki classes to expand and enhance your experience . . . you can learn about crystals, essential oils, and Shamanic practices that help you know more how to BE in the world. 

We're here for you. We can map out a program that's right for you. Call us! My daughter, Michelle, and I are waiting to hear from you.

Call for a free consultation about your individual and very special path.
A Community of Healing
Come experience a community of healers, tap into Divine Wisdom, and enjoy the company of other seekers. I'll be there as a featured healer.

SUNDAY JULY 24, 2-7 p.m.
Muse Den: 2926 NE Flanders (Red door on left side of building
Find it on Facebook -
Gem Faire this weekend at the
Portland Convention Center