Step Into the Magic of Energy Healing

Published: Mon, 09/05/16

If you love Magic as much as we do, you'll love our new classes for September!
Our Integrative Enrichment class for Reiki I is first up. Attend this class (or retake it) on Saturday, September 10 and get all the extras we love to include that makes your experience Magical.
Shamanic Reiki Apprentice Classes . . . are you ready to step into your power?

Join us for Shamanic classes this month.
September 11 ~ 1 & 2
September 24 ~ 3 & 4
Check our calendar for times, details, and prices

Register right away to be included for all workshops in the first Shamanic Apprentice Series - Personal Energy. Complete all 4 workshops and you'll qualify for Sacred Ceremony (coming soon.)
I'd love to hear from you.

Many blessings,