Good News,

Published: Tue, 09/20/16

We wanted you to be the first to know,

Our Shamanic Reiki Apprentice is growing, evolving, and getting better!

THIS SATURDAY ONLY, anyone can join us, regardless of experience, previous training, and enrollment in our curriculum. Now is the time to try us out.

We're so happy to tell you that we're shifting our classes just a bit to make room for new vibrations, new energy, new ideas, and an exciting new way to integrate energy healing tools. More information on that is coming - and you'll be the first to know that, too!
These Two Special Shamanic Reiki Apprentice Classes
Are open for you!!!
September 24
  • Breath, Rhythm, and Harmony
  • Claiming Your Medicine
Check our calendar for times, details, and prices

Register right away so we can include you in this unique opportunity.
Usui Reiki Training
Just starting? Newly interested? Need to re-take and refresh?
Ready for the next level?

Our basic Usui Reiki training focuses on technique, intuition, and practice ~ we like to say that you'll develop Effortless Spiritual Awareness.

ANYONE can take Reiki I.
If you're ready for Reiki II, please provide a valid certificate if you were attuned by someone else.

Super Savings Pricing!
Since these classes are focused on Reiki training, they reflect our Super Savings prices.
(note - if you've already taken our Integrative classes, you'll be pleased with what we have coming up to enhance your practice)

Join us October 8 & 9 for Usui Reiki attunement and training I & II
I'd love to hear from you.

Many blessings,