The Basic Principles of Health and Healing

Published: Fri, 09/02/16

I asked some friends recently what they thought the basics of health and healing might be. Their responses included good sleep, eating well, and movement . . . all sound responses - all tried and true. However, not everyone can achieve good sleep. Not everyone makes good choices for eating. It might not even be so easy for people to move their bodies.

If this is the case, then we HAVE TO go deeper. We have to go to the core of health and healing - to the root, so to speak. Because of this, I decided to delve into the ways I see as core issues to assemble the Basic Principles of Health and Healing.

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In Love & Light,
(print and bring with you)
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Second Nature Healing specializes in holistic natural health solutions for animals and their humans.
We include products and services to support all aspects of healing:
-- intuitive consultations
-- wellness scans for individualized programs
-- classes
-- private healing sessions
-- animal communication
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