Have you tried Healing Math?

Published: Sun, 02/05/17

Healing Math
Hi ,
     Years ago, when I was in grade school, there was talk of the "new math". It was supposed to make calculations easier. I didn't understand what they meant, but I got it. I excelled in math and science.

Recently I've been contemplating a different kind of math - I call it healing math. If I say I've added science too, will I lose you? I hope not. The whole idea fascinates me, and I hope it resonates with you.
Please join us for this week's Healer's Journey free webinar learning series. If you're not registered, sign in here. Learn more below.

Do you have questions? Call me! I can't wait to hear from you.

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Checking In With Pets

Many people have been asking me about using essential oils for their animals - especially frankincense essential oil for cancer. I'm very happy to help with personal consultations, and to talk to you about how essential oils can be safely used for animals. 

What's involved in a personal consultation for your animal?
Listening to your needs and finding out if we're a fit for working together is my primary goal. I know it may be an emotional time for you, so I want to be clear on all aspects of your animal's situation. Since the help and guidance I offer is non-medical, I encourage you to continue to work with your vet.

Find out what natural healing might look like for you and your beloved furry family member. I've put together several healing packages that include Reiki and animal communication, along with guidance through the entire process. Learn more about Animal Healing and Soul Connections.
Free Consultation
Call me for a free consultation to see if a series of Integrative Healing sessions, private mentoring, and follow-up is part of your path.