It's Here. Will you join us?

Published: Fri, 02/17/17

What It Means to Be Enlightened
Two years ago in February of 2015 we rolled out our Shamanic Apprentice Program, a wonderful way to support our energies and our healing work with Shamanic practices. A lot has happened since then. Michelle and I have been channeling, working, and growing with new energies that have been - let's say "simmering" - for years. 

We're delighted to announce that our new Illumination Reiki™ program will be put into complete action this month.

What does Illumination Reiki™ mean for you?
Our classes bring you additional tools to support you in your journey as a healer in today's world. Coming from a point of being very grounded, we include exercises for embodiment, developing your intuitive abilities, and working with your existing Reiki practices. Illumination Reiki™ is a complete attunement and certification program that helps fill the gaps between Reiki II and further growth.

Who is eligible?
If you have completed training and certification in Reiki II, you're eligible for the first series in the Illumination Reiki™ program. Once you've completed the first series in Illumination Reiki™, you can continue with the second series if you are also attuned to Reiki Master. Each series in Illumination Reiki™ is designed to work with traditional Reiki practices to enhances your skills, sensitivity, growth, and movement toward enlightenment.

By doing this work, we're helping to raise our vibration and the vibration of the planet. Wouldn't you like to be a part of that? Learn more about our Illumination Reiki™ program.

What Happens if you miss this class?
The next time we'll be offering Illumination Reiki classes will be late summer or early Fall. That will give you enough time to finish Reiki I & II, and even take part in our Apprentice & Mentoring Program. There's always time to grow.

Classes begin February 25 &26, and continue into March. 

Reiki Classes


​​​​​​​Illumination Reiki I

FEBRUARY 25 & 26, AND MARCH 25 & 26


Learn More

Usui Reiki March Classes, March 11 &12

Apprentice & Mentoring Program

I'd love to hear from you.

Many blessings,