Why are you here?

Published: Wed, 04/19/17

Why are you here? What's your life's purpose?
When it comes to feeling confident in your life path you sometimes wonder why you’re really here. The path of self-discovery which leads to “bigger things” can change as you grow and change. What is your full potential? What is it that you came here (on Earth) to do? What do you really want? What brings you joy? What sort of life experiences, relationships, money, etc. do you really want?

Have you ever ASKED? Are you ready to RECEIVE?

This month we're helping you discover your life's purpose. Join us for LLUMINATIONS - The Quest, and learn how to further develop your skills.

The A-B-C of Self-Care
As sensitive, nurturing care-givers, we often forget to take care of ourselves, putting our needs on the back burner, so to speak. Now's the time for rejuvenation!

Join us Sunday, April 23 for The A-B-C of Self-care, which includes Group Channeling & Healing. 2 - 5 p.m.
Working with Animals

As Healers on our Journey, we are aware of the relationships we have with animals. Learn more on Monday, April 24 for our next Healer's Journey free webinar.

April 24 - Working With Animals, Part 2
Dial-in Number: (515) 604-93
Access Code: 823487

6:50 p.m. Pacific Time (sound check, connection, and introductions)
We start recording promptly at 7:00 p.m. pacific
I'd love to hear from you.

Many blessings,