tonight - Did you know that your soul knows where you're really from?

Published: Mon, 07/24/17

Science and Soul
In biology classes we learn about DNA - the code of life. But what scientists really know about the gene sequences is so limited. Explore Science & Soul with us tonight on the Healer's Journey webinar. 

Join us for Tonight's Healer's Journey webinar, "Science & Soul", to learn more about DNA and how it relates to our journey. 

Monday July 24 at 6:50 p.m. for sound check and one-on-one conversation.
Recording for the Webinar starts at 7 p.m.

(515) 604-9300
Access Code:823487
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Register NOW for the FREE Webinar The Healer's Journey and receive all the recordings directly to your inbox . . . free.

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Energy Vitality Technique

Sessions with Rosemary ONLY $45
Experience the Energy Vitality Technique (30-45 minutes) at this HUGE INTRODUCTORY OFFER. This Special Offer includes an extra, FREE Intuitive Reading before your session.

Due to popular demand, I've extended the offer for another 30 days.
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Many blessings,