Monday night, Are you getting your wires crossed/

Published: Sun, 10/01/17

Your Purpose. Are you getting your wires crossed?
Hi ,

We dream, get ideas, experience coincidences - but what does it all mean? Do you feel like you're getting your wires crossed?

Join us for Monday's Healer's Journey LIVE CHAT.
"Your Purpose - Messages From Spirit"

Monday October 2 at 6:50 p.m. for sound check and one-on-one conversation.
Recording starts at 7 p.m.

(515) 604-9300
Access Code:823487
Online Meeting Access:

Register NOW for the FREE Webinar The Healer's Journey and receive all the recordings directly to your inbox . . . free.

Introducing our new Activation Ceremony 

As we prepare for bigger things - bigger events in our lives, more demands on our time and energy, more of, well, everything,  it's time to move forward with GREAT INTENTION. How will you get ready? Join us for a special ceremony, coming this December.

Check our calendar for our Wing Activation Ceremony
Sedona, AZ October 27 & 28
Portland, OR December 16
I'd love to hear from you.

Many blessings,