Tonight, How do you bridge the gap?

Published: Mon, 10/09/17

How do you bridge the gap?
Hi ,

You've been on your path for a while now. Yet, sometimes it feels like you still have far to go before achieving what we call "Effortless Spiritual Awareness". Life happens. There's stress and trauma, work, obligations, and so much already on your "plate" that it feels hard to make a connection. In fact, you might even feel disconnected from what you really want! 

Join us for Tonight's Healer's Journey webinar,
"Bridging the Gap - Becoming Luminous"

Monday October 9 at 6:50 p.m. for sound check and one-on-one conversation.
Recording starts at 7 p.m.

(515) 604-9300
Access Code:823487
Online Meeting Access:

Register NOW for the FREE Webinar The Healer's Journey and receive all the recordings directly to your inbox . . . free.

I'd love to hear from you.

Many blessings,