Animal lovers have been waiting for this.

Published: Wed, 11/01/17

The Magic of Minerals

When I first started working with animals in crisis, I searched for the RIGHT choices - ones that do no harm and create support for healthy recovery and healing. As product choices broadened, my selection became even more focused. Now I work with just a few simple, reliable, and AMAZING products from several companies, always choosing the ones that work best. 

What was missing was an immediately bio-available mineral designed especially for dogs.

How important are minerals?
Minerals are at the foundation of all bio-chemical reactions and processes in the body. They act as electrolytes, antioxidants, body-builders, and stabilizers. They bring vitality through cell hydration, so important for moving blood through the body.

We're seeing interesting results already with testimonies that include words like "shrinking", energy, movement, recovery, and "miracle". 

We don't have to wait for a crisis to manifest.
Minerals are important for every function - at least as important as water (and maybe even more important!) May we never know what we PREVENT by taking good care of our family NOW.

I can't wait for you to have our new K9 formula for dogs.
Click here for more information. Prevail K9 Minerals

If you're ready to order Prevail K9, let me know. Order through me and receive a FREE 15 assessment and consultation.
Minerals For People Too

I've been using Prevail Max (for people) for several months now. Ask me about my experience and why I'm so excited!