Who are the Thought Adjusters?

Published: Mon, 08/28/17

A New Garment of Light

Who are the "Thought Adjusters"?

“We will not suffer the negative irradiation, or excessive ultraviolet radiation that will bombard places of the earth for we will inhabit the safe zones at the time of the great geo-physical upheavals. 

…the Thought-Adjusters are now correcting and repairing our blood crystallization levels of ionized consciousness through FREQUENCY ATTUNEMENT.

This is the making of a people within a people, and a mind of light within a mind of light."

"With this change, the physical flesh,

the temple of the higher garment will receive

a new garment of light.”

Excerpts from “The Keys of Enoch” by J.J. Hurtak

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Tonight, August 28 at 6:50 p.m. Pacific
The Healer's Journey Free Webinar Learning Series
Who Are the "Thought Adjusters"?
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