It's tonight - Why should we care what the heart THINKS?

Published: Mon, 02/05/18

Why should we care what the heart THINKS?
In today's culture, we value the intelligence of the brain so much that we surrender our power to it - almost completely. However, the heart continues to say "I'm here", hoping to be remembered so it can bring us more in alignment with intuition, Source energy, our higher self, our purpose in life . . . all the BIG STUFF.

Why is it so important to pay attention to the wisdom of the heart? WHAT MIGHT HAPPEN IF WE DON'T?​​​​​​​

Join us for Tonight's Spiritual Mastery Class webinar, "Heart Wisdom"

Monday February 5 at 6:50 p.m. for sound check and one-on-one conversation.
FREE Class starts at 7 p.m.

(515) 604-9300
Access Code:823487
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Many blessings,