So excited - new offerings for you this year.

Published: Thu, 01/04/18

NEW Offerings in 2018

Why do I hang my head when I hear people say that healing is hard, and that making changes is hard work? Maybe it's because I see a little of the karma they're holding onto - old beliefs that persist in everyday thoughts and actions. I remember those old exercise videos of Jane Fonda encouraging us to "feel the burn" and "popular phrases like "no pain, no gain". Ok, I know those were more about pushing ourselves physically. But is it any different if we look at our current state of living, in all aspects of our lives?

Spiritually speaking, as we move toward higher vibrations, new goals and manifestations of our highest desires - health, happiness, prosperity, love, wisdom, etc. - all should be EFFORTLESS. Why? Because the work means that we're resisting something. Ease and Grace mean that we're coming into alignment with something.

What are you coming into alignment with? How would you like to get there? This year, 2018, is a year of manifestation and completion. I actually got goosebumps creating my calendar for this year, mapping out a path for you that could feel like you're reaching a new dimension. That's my intention, in fact . . . to assist you in reaching your goals and a new dimension of thinking, living, healing, and growing.
Do you have questions? Call me! I can't wait to hear from you.

May you be especially blessed this new year.
