Have 45 minutes?

Published: Tue, 04/11/17

Do you have 45 minutes tomorrow? I’m hosting a live workshop on growing and engaging your email list with Ben Jabbawy, the founder of Privy.

We’re packing this workshop with our best advice for sign up forms and welcome emails. By the end of it, you’ll get:

  • Two fill-in-the-blank templates for a sign up form and welcome email!
  • The secrets to how we got a 91 percent open rate and 46 percent click-through rate on a welcome email (and how you can do it too!)
  • Our tips and tricks for awesome sign up form and welcome email copy
  • Examples of our best sign up forms and welcome emails (which you can steal for your own forms and welcome emails!)
  • Answers to your questions during live Q&A
When Ben and I were brainstorming this event, we asked ourselves how we could you give the most value in the least amount of time. Because we know you’re busy.

That’s why we’re giving you two fill-in-the-blank templates during the workshop and guiding you through completing them.

So you’ll walk away from this workshop with the tools you need to start growing your list and engaging your audience right away!

Claim your spot at the workshop now. It starts at 11 a.m. ET (8 a.m. PT) on Wednesday, April 12.
See you there!
Liz W. Content Marketing Specialist
Live Customer Support
Monday-Friday 8AM-8PM ET
Saturday-Sunday 9AM-5PM ET