[Feature release] Tagging and segmenting just got easier.

Published: Tue, 08/15/17

Join us for a 20-minute event.
Level up your email automation with new tagging and segmentation features.
Ever feel like you're doing all the right things to market your business, but not enough people are taking action?

We can help.

We've recently released enhancements to our automation platform allowing you the ability to segment and send to subscribers using tags.

20 minutes of your time. That's all it will take to learn how AWeber can help.

Join us for our free, 20-minute online event where we’ll walk you through the benefits of smarter email automation and segmentation.

Tom Tate, an email automation expert and AWeber’s product marketing manager, will show you how to use AWeber’s latest feature release to innovatively connect with your audience and get more of what you actually want – customers.

Here's what you'll learn:

  • How email automation can fit into your marketing strategy
  • How subscriber segmentation works
  • What to write in your automated sequences
  • How AWeber’s automation tools actually work
At AWeber, we've been innovating email marketing since 1998. Now, with our latest feature, you can do even more with email.

Join this event to learn how you can use automation and AWeber to get more of the results you actually want.

And you’ll only need 20 minutes to watch it.

You do not want to miss this.

Liz W. Content Marketing Specialist
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