[Video course] Email List Growth Blueprint

Published: Fri, 09/08/17

Enroll in this free course today.
Create the tools you need to grow your email list in under 4 hours!
Ready to grow your email list but not sure where to start?

Enroll in our NEW and free video course to learn how to build two essential list growth tools: your lead magnet and your sign up form.

In six simple lessons, you'll get step-by-step instruction through short videos, lesson resources, worksheets and homework.

And by the end of the course, you'll have created and launched a sign up form and a lead magnet to help grow your list.

The form and lead magnet you create during this course will:

  • Turn casual website visitors into email subscribers
  • Attract the attention of site viewers
  • Share the benefits of joining your list
  • Help you get more customers
  • Give people a reason to join your list
  • Make subscribers excited about signing up
  • Build trust with your audience
  • Help increase email engagement for your list
Enroll today and build the tools you need to grow your list with expert, step-by-step guidance.
Liz W. Content Marketing Specialist
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