Save your spot before it's too late!

Published: Thu, 01/12/17

Don't miss out, !
Save your spot in Email Marketing Master Class before enrollment closes.

Our 2017 Email Marketing Master Class is a FREE, six-week class filled with information to help you build a better email strategy. (Classes similar to this often cost more than $400!)

Enrollment for Master Class closes in just five days. Don’t miss your chance to join one of the most impactful courses you’ll take all year. We're sharing knowledge we’ve collected over the past 18 years of emailing!

Here are a few things you’ll learn in this six-week class:

  • One tactic that could increase your list growth by 893 percent and how to grow your email list with a three-step action plan.
  • Email writing techniques and structures to create more engaging emails and how to use psychological theory to write better emails
  • How to select colors and fonts for your emails and simple design tips to create beautiful emails
  • Tactics for boosting your email open and click-through rates through split testing, progressive profiling and more
  • Steps for creating more personalized automated email series to engage your subscribers – and help you save time
  • Tips for building an email strategy that nurtures your subscribers and encourages them to buy
On top that, you’ll get access to a private discussion group where you can ask your instructors questions and interact with your classmates.

Every week, we’ll give you a handout and challenge that’ll give you easy-to-follow guidance that you can begin applying right away to improve your email strategy. You’ll even be able to implement some of these tactics in minutes!

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn how to grow your business with a high-performance email marketing strategy. We’ve discussed turning this class into a paid course in the future, so this may be your last chance to join for free.

Click below to enroll today.

Seize the day!
Liz W., Content Marketing Specialist
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