will you join me at Master Class?

Published: Tue, 01/17/17

Time is running out, !
Enroll in Email Marketing Master Class before it’s too late.

​​​​​​​Countdown to Master Class

​​​​​​6,000 marketers and small businesses have already enrolled in Master Class. Don’t miss your chance to join them and get six weeks of value-packed lessons and helpful feedback and tips from your classmates and instructors!

I've extended enrollment to give you one last chance to sign up, but we’re closing registration for good this Wednesday, January 18 at 11:59 pm ET.

During the six weeks of class, my fellow instructors and I will cover all the essentials of building a better email strategy with weekly video lessons, handouts, challenges and an exclusive discussion group. Here’s a sneak peek of what you’ll learn:
Week 1: Grow Your Email List
There's more to an email list than its size. In this lesson, you'll learn how to get more of the right subscribers by creating contextual sign up forms and incentives. And of course, tips on increasing your website traffic and visitor engagement.
Week 2: Write Compelling Emails
The best email content can make your subscribers laugh, cry, smile and read your email word for word. Learn how to write emails like this – ones that connect with your audience and compel them to act. Plus, get tips for leveling up your email personalization that go beyond including your subscriber's first name.
Week 3: Design Flawless Emails
Great looking emails do more than make your audience happy. They can boost your click-through rates, increase overall engagement and compel your audience to buy. Study design principles that'll help you select the right colors and typography, use images effectively and much more.
Week 4: Test and Improve
Writing and designing your emails is just the first step. Next, you've got to optimize. Join us in week four to learn how to skyrocket your open and click-through rates. Master the art of gathering and applying insights that'll help you optimize with techniques like split testing and progressive profiling.
Week 5: Build Automated Emails
With the perfect automation flow, your subscribers should feel like they receive messages meant just for them – while allowing you to save time, too. Learn how to build more effective automation workflows using action-based, targeted email campaigns.
Week 6: Convert Subscribers to Customers
In our last lesson, learn how to convert more subscribers into customers. You'll see how to create emails campaigns designed for conversion and how to construct offers that get subscribers to act immediately.

Don’t miss out! Enroll today before it’s too late.
See you in class!
Liz W., Content Marketing Specialist
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