I'm so excited

Published: Wed, 06/08/16

Hi ;

I can't believe it is already June. 2016 is delivering on its promise to me to be a year of transformation and change. The last two months have been filled with loss, grief, change, endings, expansion and beginnings. Have you found it to be the same for you? The energy is indeed shifting and shaking things up. As hard as this is, I know for me that when I surrender and allow myself to experience all of it entirely, it is easier than when I fight it.

There are seven components for surrender, and these seven questions can help if you feel stuck or if you want to heal, grow, shift and expand.

ACCEPT – Can you embrace reality for what it is?

TRUST – Do you have faith that all is exactly the way it is supposed to be?

EMBRACE – Can you own the part you play in co-creating this reality?

LOVE – Can you find compassion, love and kindness for yourself and others?

RELEASE – Are you willing to face your truth and deal with how you feel about this?

CONNECT – Do you allow yourself to receive support, love and guidance?

EXPAND – Are you brave enough to make new choices and try something new?

I find they help me decide how to move forward, I hope you find them helpful too.
As with so many of us, I am so connected with the energy of the moon. The cycle of the moon provides energetic opportunities for healing. Two of the most powerful magical times are New Moon (for creation) and Full Moon (for release). I am very excited to announce that I will be collaborating with some very cool friends to run a monthly full moon healing circle. I will lead a beautiful 2-hour healing ceremony around a bonfire at with drumming to support releasing anything that no longer serves you. The details are below. The first circle is on 21 June 2016; you can email me on [email protected] to book your spot. Spaces are limited!

You can click on the pamphlet to download a copy to print or send to your friends.

The monthly Surrender healing workshops continue to be a magical space for a tribe of very cool people that are prepared to invest in their soul expansion and growth. I love to see the impact of these workshops!

The next one is scheduled for 25 June 2016, and it is BE BRAVE - How to follow your soul calling. The details are below. I have also just scheduled the dates for the workshops for the remainder of the year so you can book the time in your diaries if you want to join us.

With all the changes happening in my life, I have not been able to finish the online workshops I discussed with you in my last newsletter. I have been making a lot of progress with getting the technology components set up in the background so watch this space for announcements of some very cool stuff coming soon. 
I hope that you have a fantastic June and that you remember to be kind to yourself along the way.

Sending lots of love and blessings ​​​​​​​
Next Full Moon Healing Circle .... 21 June 2016
Around a bonfire, with drums; experience a magical healing journey in the light of the full moon. Come join us to lift and free your spirit.
Next Healing Workshop .... 25 June 2016
There are still a few spots left for the next workshop. "Be Brave" - 

How to overcome any fears and obstacles you have in following your soul calling or purpose​​​​​​​.
Free e-book 7 Tips on How to Surrender to your Soul. Click on the pic below if you still need to get your copy sent to your inbox ....​​​​​​​​​​​​​​