How are you doing ? Take this quick assessment to find out ....

Published: Wed, 03/15/17

Hi ;

Wow; this year is moving fast. I apologise that I have not been in touch more. I have been having so much fun with developing and creating the programs I am running but more about that later.

So, how are you doing?

This little question can spark so much awareness - do you even know? There is an assessment below that can help you if you want a quick check-in with yourself.
Sometimes in the crazy business of life, we forget to stop and take some time for self-awareness and reflection. Without that, we have no way to grow. So, I salute all of you that prioritise and invest in your personal growth with awareness. It takes courage to allocate time, money and energy to yourself and you wouldn't be reading this if you weren't the kind of person that had shown up for their own growth in some way, shape or form.​​​​​​​ ​
One of the primary reasons for coming back to Earth at this time; is to take advantage of the changes the world is going through for our own personal growth and evolution. I hope that you are carving out some way to invest in your growth so that you can align with the major energetic shifts happening at the moment. Like the great poet, Rumi scribed "Don't go back to sleep!" Now more than ever is the time to stay awake.

Staying awake to our highest potential is not always easy - or it isn't for me. It is sometimes easier to give into the saboteur in my head and just play it safe but then there is this little voice in my heart that reminds me I was born to shine (as we all are) and I just know that I need to face the work and take the steps to create the life I want.

What does your heart call you to do? Are you listening? It is time for us all to start shining brighter than ever before. If you are not sure of your heart's calling, the answer lies in your dreams - your daydreams. The question is are you brave enough to do the work to give birth to your ideas. There is no-one that is here by accident. The world needs YOU now.

I was reminded of this so much, whilst designing and training the first Module of Lifting the Veil. I could literally feel the energy pouring through me. I was taking a step, a big step in doing what I came here to do. To help people shine, to get over the fear of working with Spirit and to reconnect back to the Source of truth inside. We had so much fun. Module 2 starts this weekend, it's not too late to join if you feel this is the program for you and I will be converting it to an online training program in the next few months. I can hardly contain my excitement. 
One of the tools, I shared with the delegates was a self-assessment check in to calibrate with which of your 4 bodies needs some attention. We all have 4 bodies:
  • a Physical Body
  • an Emotional Body
  • a Mental Body
  • a Spiritual Body
Healing is aligning these 4 bodies together so we are whole and integrated. I have attached the assessment here for you to do for yourself. 
None of the bodies is more important than any of the other's; the goal is for them all to become full and integrate together for peace and harmony.

I am launching a new healing session, which is a remote five card healing reading on video. For this, I will connect and channel a healing message for you for each body and a final card for integration. So, you will receive a video link with a message for healing your body, healing your heart, healing your mind, healing your spirit and integration. These brand new remote readings will support you in a far more integrated way than ever before, and you don't even need to be present. I will just need a photo :) These sessions will be for R350 / $30 but the first 20 people to request these readings will get a whopping 50% discount. If you want to get your five card healing reading, send me a mail right now to get the discount :)​​​​​​​
I hope that you are being kind to yourself as you are making time for your own healing and growth.
Sending you love, joy and peace​​​​​​​
Every Monday morning I channel and send out a weekly message from Spirit. These messages are so loving, supportive and inspirational. I love starting my Mondays with this connection. Here is a link to the message that was sent out this Monday. 
If you would like to sign up to receive these messages, you can do so by clicking on the link below.
Lifting the Veil has begun. An amazing group of souls have started this wonderful journey together. Module 2 is this weekend - this is your last chance to join if you want to learn how to work with Spirit.

The monthly Surrender healing workshops continue to be a magical space for a tribe of very cool people that are prepared to invest in their soul expansion and growth. I love to see the impact of these workshops!

The next one is scheduled for 25 March 2017, and it is Let go of the Fear - How to embrace your fear so you can find your brace and live with an open heart. The details are below. Here is the full schedule of workshops and dates.

Free e-book 7 Tips on How to Surrender to your Soul. Click on the pic below if you still need to get your copy sent to your inbox ....​​​​​​​​​​​​​​