Turkey Time Blues

Published: Thu, 11/16/17

Dear Pet Parent,

Can you believe Thanksgiving is next week? 
I don't know about you guys, but we feel this year has just flown by. It's hard to believe we are moving into the holiday season, especially since the weather has been so nice! 

For many, this is a time spent in thanksgiving and reflection of the past year with family and friends. But for some, the stress of gathering, prepping, cooking and traveling outweighs the "thanksgiving part".  No one is immune to the stress that comes at this time of year, including our pets.

Not all pets (especially our furry feline friends) enjoy loud noises, groups of people and/or the chaos that goes with the gathering of friends and family. 

For those of you who wish to know the secret to a healthy, stress reduced holiday season, we have comprised a list of supplements that can be used in times of stress for both you and your pet!


The Adrenal Glands: 

These glands are our "fight or flight" glands. When unbalanced,you or your pet may feel "tired but wired"( I like to call this "empty anxiety") or severe draining or fatigue. Herbs that protect these glands are called adaptogens. The goal is to protect our favorite stress organs from seasonal holiday STRESS!

  • Glandulars : Standard Process Adrenal Dessicated, Drenamin, Canine/Feline Adrenal support 
  • Ashwagandha, Rhodiola, Holy Basil : Adrenal Resilience is a combination of these herbs
  • Eleuthero, Ginseng and/or Astragalus : Four Gentlemen is a gentle formula containing astragalus
  • Reishi Mushrooms : great for stress and immune support

The Heart: 

The heart is a major distributor or blood and qi throughout the body. It is a pump that moves 5-7 liters of blood a minute and up to 2,000 gallons of blood in a day. When the heart is under stress you or your pet may feel anxiety, uncontrolled excitement and/or depression, phobias, sweating without reason, weakness and/or the desire to take naps during lunch time, 11:00-1:00 pm.

We have listed a few chinese herbal preparation that can balance the heart during times of stress.

  • Blood and yin tonics : Shen Calmer -This is best for separation anxiety. This may occur if the pet is left home alone and/or brought into a new environment with unfamiliar faces. I keep this in my travel kit for Poncho and I. This is a great formula for restless nights of sleep or periods of "over thinking" or worrying. 
  • Fire cooling herbs : Zhen Xin San- This formula is best for the wild and crazy young pup that cannot control themselves around crowds of people. We call this the ADD herbal. 
  • Yin tonics : Er Yin Jian -This formula is best for the pet with phobias and/or reactivity to loud sounds like thunder and fireworks. 
The Brain: 
This organ is responsible for producing and distributing important neurotransmitters like dopamine, serotonin, histamine, GABA,glutamate, norepinephrine and epinephrine. These neurotransmitters are responsible for maintaining a healthy mood. GABA is particularly helpful in reducing fear and anxiety. With our bioscan testing, we have detected imbalances of this important neurotransmitter in approximately 50-60% of our patients. An imbalance of GABA can be linked to poor gut health. 
We have also detected deficiencies in L- tryptophan. This amino acid is important in the production of serotonin. 
L-theanine is an amino acid found in green tea that is beneficial in treating anxiety and high blood pressure. 
Below we have listed several supplements that are beneficial for any type of stress and can be taken by any pet without a specific Chinese Medicine diagnosis. 
  • GABA support: Zen 200mg - this is a combination of L-theanine and GABA. This comes in liquid Click Here! or capsule form.     Click Here!
  • GABA support: Serene - this is a combination of GABA, Valerian root and melatonin. This comes in capsule form.   Click Here!
  • L-tryptophan support : Nutricalm - this is a combination of L-tryptophan, L-theanine, Valerian root and Ashwaganda. This comes in a liquid  Click Here!  or capsule form. Click Here!
  • Sedation support: Solliquin -this is a chewable tablet containing L-theanine, magnolia/phellodendron and whey. This formula is very sedating. Click Here!
  • Calming support : Hemp Rx - organically grown hemp oil available in liquid   Click Here! or chewables.  Click Here!
Other adjustments you can make to reduce stress: 
  • Create a calm environment : diffuse essential oils to help you and your pet during this time. Best oils to use, lavender, chamomile, vetiver, ylang ylang, bergamot orange are just a few.
  • Play calming music - Wholetones is based on calming frequencies that are designed to reduce stress
  • Create a safe and quiet place in your home for your pet to retreat to
  • Consider taking your pets favorite toys, bed and even his/her own crate if you plan to travel. This will bring your pet some familiarity in a strange environment
  • Emergency herbal kit - we are happy to put herbs together for our patients to reduce stress, nausea, tummy upset, etc especially if they are traveling. 
We hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving week.
Please keep in mind, our office will be closed Wednesday 11-22 - Wednesday 11-29.

*If you need any supplements, let us know so we can get those together for you to pick up or we can ship to you so you will have them in time for the holidays. 

Be well, 
Get Zen for Your Pet
Liposomal Zen is an advanced delivery version of our product, 200 mg of Zen, containing GABA and L-theanine.* Its liposomal delivery system uses pure soy-free essential phospholipids from sunflower lecithin, for increased direct absorption.*
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