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Published: Wed, 12/13/23

Rohit Srivastava
For accurate market analysis. Technical analysis is a study of past data to assess future probable outcomes. It is our endeavor to discuss high probability set ups for traders and investors in good faith. However this is not a solicitation to buy or sell stocks futures or options or any security. Trading in any financial market should be done with sound knowledge and the help of a qualified investment adviser. Stocks based on the Elliott wave model are based on the Fibonacci fractal of the market and momentum indicators, Levels are based on Fibonacci maths and are only indicative of what the mathematical model throws up. Readers may download the free Elliott Wave Calculator to do it themselves. This is not a research report. We are not investment advisors This is not a recommendation to buy/sell.
Value Wave Stocks discusses the short term trading set ups that we use while taking our trading decisions. Value wave Investments. discusses the long term set ups that we use while taking our investment decisions. We may have holdings in these stocks and are interested in these opinions. This is not the only reason considered while taking our actions. Kindly take the help of a qualified investment advisor before trading. We have active open long and short positions in the futures/options/stock/commodity/currency markets at any point of time. The opinions here are for your education and understanding only of how we identify stocks to trade/invest in. We change our opinion daily and even hourly. Any actions taken by you are at your own understanding and risk. We do not offer personalised advise or research of any kind.
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