Help us choose who to bring on to our NEXT Sustainable Design Webinar

Published: Mon, 12/14/15

Hey there ,

Thanks a ton for watching the first Sustainable Design Masterclass Webinar two weeks ago, it was super exciting to hear all the responses from it.

Just in case you missed our first design webinar, 10 Keys to Greening the Desert,
here it is one more time:

So we have a favor to which would help us a TON…and that’s basically hearing a bit about your story.

 We created this survey so we could find out what area of Sustainable/Regenerative Design interests you the most. 

Your response will really help us figure out who we should bring on to our next webinars.  So If you have a minute or two to spare, please fill it out if you can.
Happy Holidays, and may the force be with you.
-Raleigh Latham and Neal Spackman

P.S. We’ve got a great guest for the next Webinar on January 4…so stay tuned for the announcement!