Super Cool Sustainable Design Masterclass Update (from Neal Spackman)

Published: Wed, 04/27/16


It’s been a while since you heard from Raleigh & me, but it’s been a very momentous past couple of months.   A couple of things happened that are going to have a big impact on where we go with Sustainable Design Masterclass..

First, we had a webinar set up with an orphanage in the Democratic Republic of Congo, but everything hit a brick wall when we couldn’t get any data or map info related to the site.  

We had a number of similar situations lined up for webinars, but we found that the lack of good on-the-ground information for many of these scenarios an insurmountable barrier.

However, next week we'll be able to announce a more exciting, in depth series.  Basically, we'll be creating Regenerative designs for small farmers and homesteaders, and showing you the design to construction lessons and progress each month..  That should be an exciting addition to the Masterclass (which is going to ramp up as well with bigger guests).

Second, I attended Darren Doherty’s Rex10 course in California. This was his first REX course, and is the foundation of the book Darren’s writing.  Here’s what I wrote in a review on my other blog,

"Let me start off by saying that I was blown away by this course.  The Regrarians platform fills the major gap in professional sustainable land management & design.  Permaculture teaches principles, a new way of thinking & ethics, and it was the lingua franca of the students at this course.  Holistic Management is the best management system and decision-making protocol for regenerative land use that I am aware of.  What both permaculture and HM lack is the process for design.  This is what the REX course does; it gives a process for integrating permaculture design & HM into a cohesive whole.   Together, the 3 of them form a framework and foundation to create professional designs & plans that are effective, efficient, and appropriate to the context you're in.  As such, I consider this course essential for anybody serious about becoming a professional in the field of designing regenerative land and water use."

I am still processing everything I learned in Darren’s course, but I do know that it has changed a great deal about how I will approach designing for clients in the future. 

It’s also changing how we're going to evolve the Sustainable Design Masterclass.
  If you have a chance to attend the course, I highly recommend it. 

We appreciate the great feedback we are hearing from you on our webinars and on our site, both the good and the bad.  The more we hear from you, the better we’ll get.  Our goal is to help transition as many people as possible to doing regenerative, profitable work.  

In the meantime, I'll be here in Saudi Arabia, putting what I've learned into practice.
Keep on keeping on,
Neal Spackman & Raleigh Latham

PS I had a fun time doing a podcast with Drew Sample while in California.  We talked about the Aid Industry, the Ogalalla Aquifer drying up, and a number of related issues vis-a-vis agriculture.  You can check it out at The Sample Hour
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