WEBINAR REPLAY: Grant Schultz- Permaculture Growth Technology

Published: Tue, 05/31/16

Hey Designers,

Wow!  I've got to say, if you didn't get the chance to see our webinar with Grant Schultz, let me just say, get prepared to have your....
 Grant went above and beyond in a showcase of a bunch of Permaculture Technologies, from CAD designing with Drones, to Large Scale Tree Planters, Row Mulchers, Autosteer Keyline Plowing, Deer Fencing, Silvopasture Animal Fencing, Scythes, Electric Tractors, Root Washers, Hay Mulchers, and a few others.

Needless to say, for someone who is into designing, farming, or land managing, this was a seriously useful webinar that might give you a fresh perspective on what you can do with your land.

So you asked for it, and here it is, the replay of​​​​​​​ Permaculture Growth Technology.

Some of you asked how you can skip forward in the video in case you just want to watch a certain part.  We'll we've got you handled there.
We also announced three things on the webinar that you'll find useful.

1..  We announced the first of the Designer Series Webinars, led by various Regenerative Designers who take on challenging scenarios and show how they work.  We aim on launching a Kickstarter later this summer so we can bring the best possible instructors in the field.

2.  Grant and I are collaborating on an upcoming webinar on acquiring Grants and Government Cost Share Programs to pay for you farm operation. You can pre-register for the webinar HERE.

3. During the webinar, Grant announced he's opening Registration for the Farmscale Permaculture Workshop in September.  If you want to join Grant for the workshop, Register HERE.​​​​​​​
Have a great week, and keep designing a better world.
Raleigh Latham and Neal Spackman 