The Ultimate Garden Design Webinar with Matt Powers

Published: Mon, 08/08/16

Hey there Folks,

In the past, Neal and I have gone big with design webinars,
showcasing desert terraforming in Saudi Arabia,
or large scale marketing gardening in Quebec.

but for our next webinar...we wanted to scale it
back a the homestead.

This week, we’re bring to you a designer, writer, and teacher
who’s renowned for his unbridled enthusiasm 
and his thriving homestead farm; Matt Powers.

Matt has been farming with his family the last 4 years,
and despite living in an extreme hot dry climate,
Matt is still able to grow nutrient dense, calorie
rich foods for his whole family on 2 acres.

Matt embodies a style of gardening and
homestead design that is all about growing
the most amount of food for the least amount of effort,
and of course, having fun doing it.

So for those of you who want to grow a ton
of food in your garden, without the stress...
this webinar is going to be great.

I promise..pinky swear. 

Join us this Thursday, August 11th at 11AM PST. 

You can Register Now By Clicking the Link Below
Keep on designing a better world,
Raleigh Latham & Neal Spackman